Sunday, November 24, 2019

11/20 - Another weak week

It was another poor week for sexy covers. Although I still didn't get to see all the covers, it is by now obvious that DC has been eclipsed once more by Marvel. I choose a single cover from DC, and that one in absolute despair (it qualifies only for having a sexy busomy unconscious Batgirl in the grip of the Talon. Marvel fares a lot better in terms of quantity, but not that much in terms of quality: until now, three covers. I hope the covers for AMAZING MARY JANE #2 will tip the balance definitely. As things stand now, top mark goes to GWENPOOL STRIKES BACK #4. The cover for MARAUDERS #2 sports a sensuously aristocratic White Queen, and EXCALIBUR #2 makes it to the list for being another "Wall of Hands", despite the not so attractive and ogival-breasted Rogue.
The main surprise of the week comes from the independent labels and consists in the non-existence of sexy covers. Only Boom Comics's ONCE & FUTURE #4 makes the roster for its steel-eyed and wonderfull bosomy heroine.

Covers for: Gwenpool Strikes Back by Terry & Rachel Dodson; Marauders by Russel Dauterman & Matthew Wilson; Excalibur by Mahmud Asrar & MatthewWilson; Nightwing by Jonboy Meyers; and Once & Future by Dan Mora   

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